Monday, July 7, 2008

My Weekend

Hello Pals,

As you know, I was forced to get a job. Well, NOW, not only do I have to work, Mother made me dress up for July 4th.

Oh, I guess I willingly obliged.

I got into the celebration and started meeting all the customers at the door to give them a personal tour of our store.

I work very hard to personally assist all our customers to find the souvenir that they NEED to take home with them to remember our personally meeting.

As you can see, I am quite exuberant in my greetings. I do want our customers to enjoy meeting me.

We were working on July 4th, which is a GRAND holiday. Everyone is in a good mood, and there are all sorts of celebrations, parties, and all.

Wait... what is that?

OH MY!!!! It is a PARADE!!

It brings a song to my heart.. I looooooooove a parade.This parade didn't have any bands, or rat a tat tat of a drum. but, it did have some interesting things.

I think this guy left half of his truck in the garage!

This was a very small parade, and this was the ONLY float!! I should have volunteered to join them. I would have been fab on the float.

Look at this overgrown duck! Good thing Katherine wasn't here today. She's a duck toller.

You all met my friend, Horse last time. Here he is all decked out in his patriotic garb.

What a grand day this was. I enjoyed in immensely.


Ben & Darling said...

You look great in that hat & happy belated 4th July!!! The parade look really fun, you should get on that truck!!!

slurpy licks,

Kyanite said...

Love you in the hat Sam.
Now, I feel as though I've seen all the parade!

Pats & pets to all

Dandy Duke said...

What a cute duckie wheelie!
Love your hat, Sam!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

What a nice parade!
My mom was in our town's parade so my dad and I went to watch. And it POURED! We got so wet. It was terrible.

Your friend, Lenny

PS Your hat looks great!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sam!
Not only you have to work but also you had to do it on 4th of July??
Well, I have to admit that you look happy in those pictures!
So nice you saw that parade!
Kisses and hugs

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Sam, glad you enjoyed the parade. Your hat is PAWSOME! J x

Asta said...

I think youw job is cool...I bet you incwease business a thousand times wif youw cheewy gweeting.
Did you see the pawade I saw in New Hamstew??it looks just like youws..I had so much fun
smoochie kisses

Peanut said...

I would like to go to your store and meet you one day