Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas time, so many things.. so little time

Hello friends....

I slipped mother an anti-stress pill in her caffeine laden drink and it appears that it has temporarily knocked her out. So, the girls and I are taking this opprotunity to blog.

We have been so busy working at the store, making sure mother works at her real job, attending agility and rally classes, attending agility trials, barking, sleeping, playing, and traveling that we don't know if we are coming or going!

We had a bark-taq-u-lar Christmas, and we hope that everyone celebrating their holidays did too. Santa Paws was quite generous with us, even though some of us which won't be named (Katherine) were on the naughty list. I, of course, was a perfect boy all year and had no guilty conscious regarding my actions.

The weekend before Christmas we had an agility trial, and we all did marvelously well. Katherine and Zorra got many qualifying runs. I got one, myself. Obviously, the judge did not agree with some of my choices during the course and did not allow me to finish. Pish Posh, I say. I can always plot a better course than any mere human!

In fact, at one point, I thought that Mother and I were racing to the end of the tunnel. I ran into my end to speed along, but was SHOCKED to see her legs at the other end blocking my way. As soon as I stuck my nose out of the tunnel, she swooped me up, saying something about the course did not allow endless tunneling. I only took it 4 times! I would have taken it more if she had not so unceremoniously grabbed me! I, for one, was quite taken aback by mother's lack of foresight!

We have another trial over New Years Eve and Day. One of our New Year's resolutions is to keep up with our blogging We got quite far behind over the past few months. Thanks for sticking in there with us. You are all quite wonderful pals!


Dandy Duke said...

What a fuddyduddy that agility judge was, Sam! It's all about having fun too, right?!
We're glad your Christmas was a spectacular one!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Sam,
We had a great Christmas too.
Sounds like the agility is coming along well except for that judge...what does he know anyway.
Hope you all have a great new years.

Noah x

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
Glad you had a great Christmas!
Some times its not easy to blog!
Have fun
Kisses and hugs

Pippa said...

Hey good luck with the trials and the new year resolutions. I have given up saying that mistress will be better in the new year.

Have a great new year.
