Saturday, January 3, 2009

Blogging and Digging

Mom has been super busy with work since before Christmas, and well... that is not great. She hasn't paid a lot of attention to us lately, and hasn't let us blog or nothing. So, as they say... idle paws are the devil's workshop.

So, what happened when mom let us play outside for the afternoon, unattended in the backyard? Sam decided to become a mudpie baker. We had a lot of fun playing mudpie baker. But, Sam REALLY had fun.

It started to get dark, and Mom called for us to come in. I guess Sam forgot to wash up like the rest of us before Mom saw him..........

Here he is trying to explain what transpired over the afternoon.

Mom was really not happy, especially since Sam has WHITE fur on his legs. You know, I tried to step in and say that Joe Stains is the king of a certain KIND of stains, but surly Sam is at least the crown prince of mud stains.

Yea, here he is.... trying to look like a good boy that just got his with mud. Nothing of HIS doing, of course.

When Mom saw HOW muddy he was, she about fainted. He had it caked all over. He had big, fat droplets of mud on him. Auntie could barely lift him up because he was so mud caked!
I told Mom that we should just get a sand blaster for him. She didn't think that was too funny. Obviously, no sense of humor!

So, off Sam and Mom went. There was splashing, yelling, yelping, strange sounds from the bath. I guess there was some really hard scrubbing going on.

But, when they emerged, Sam was back to normal. Here is is at the agility trial a day later.

We'll write about the agility trial with our next post!


Noah the Airedale said...

Sam you kinda look like me matie. I've been digging in my yard then going into the pond then digging some more. All in all I've been filthy lately.

Keep up the good work.


Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Mommies have no sense of appreciation for mudpie baking! Good luck at the trial.


Stella said...

Hmmm, now that could probably be the one, single,solitary advantage to 4 feet of snow. No Mud Anywhere!


The Black and Tans. said...

Sam.............mud is good for your skin. Hoomans just don't understand do they?

Molly and Taffy

Patience-please said...

Woo-hooooo! Mudboggin'!!! Is there anything better???

wags from the whippets

Joe Stains said...

omdog, was he mixing cement?! I have never seen anything like that before lol!!

Asta said...

Well I think Sam desewves special awawds and mention on Joe's blog!
That is pawsome mudpie making!
I hope you had fun Sam while it lasted..I've twied to find mud, but can't awound hewe..makes me sad
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

The bath sure worth it after all the fun he had playing in the mudd!
I loved his muddy pictures!
Have fun
Kisses and hugs

Hero said...

Wow! I've never seen a dog that was as good at being a mudpie baker as Sam. Too bad the price for his talent is time in the bath.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Good work, Sam, hehehe! Jx

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

Happy Paw Year, Sam, Katie, and Zorra

I haven’t been blogging fow awhile, but Mum has finally stawted updating my blog!
Thanks fow signing my guest book awhile back.
I hope you’ll come back and visit!

You guys look like a lot of fun!

xxx Asta (Oz)

Dandy Duke said...

Thank goodness you clean up well, Sam! You were one grimy pup! ewwwwwwwwwwwww

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dewey Dewster said...

I tell ya....there is just somethin' about mud that makes ya want ta get right in it and spread it all's just incidental that it gets all over ya when ya do that....can't blame the mudpie....blame the mud...

Dewey Dewster here....

Katherine and Pippa said...

I don't seem to be able to find any of that mud stuff in the city, maybe just as well.

Sam cleans up nicely though.


Jake of Florida said...


We hardly knew ya'.

Bet you had tons of fun!!!

Jake and Just Harry

Amber-Mae said...

Hmm, some doggy looks very muddy in those pictures. Glad he managed to turn back to normal! Hehehe!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Life With Dogs said...

Looking good Sam! How was the agility trial?