Sunday, June 13, 2010

Help me pals!!!

Oh, pals.. I need your help. I have been hearing whispers that I am going to get a dreaded...





Oh, my mother says I'll be cooler. Whatever... I don't want a haircut. My mother gives me a homestyle haircut. Have you ever seen a wire fox terrier with a bowl cut?

I'm pleading....

Mom also said that my hair needs to be trimmed because I have to get measured for flyball. I need to be "as short as possible." WHAT??????!!!!!!!

I am a big boy! Oh sure, I am the smallest one in my house, but why should that spread to the flyball world. Hurmph. Oh, so what if the team needs a height dog, and I am a little taller than what they want. My mother is calling me, too tall Sam.

Good thing I am a wire fox terrier and I have a big enough ego and self esteem that I don't have to listen to this garbage about my height. I just want my fur to look nice for my big debut at the NAFA tournament.

I'll let you know how it turns out. Of course, if I don't like it, I can always resort to this to get my mom back...... BOL

Update!!!! My mother just watched EXTREME POODLES on the telly. Oh, plz help!!! It was all about artistic grooming! Yikes.


George The Lad said...

Hey hope its goes OK for yea, your begining to worry me, I'v got to go some time soon, It will be me first time!
See Yea George xxx

Asta said...


Too tall??/
I think you'we pawfect. Obviously the measoowing they'we using is off, but nevewmind, just keep thinking of how much fun you'll have playing flyball!!!!

I will cwoss my paws that she doesn't cut youw haiw awound a bowl gulp..
smoochie kisses

Dandy Duke said...

You are going to feel so much better with your furs shorter, Sam! We're quite sure your mom knows what she's doing with that bowl!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Inky and Molly said...

Oh we know it's dreadful business. However, we are being called "cooperative" these days and the struggle is much less. Doesn't mean it's good though. Or acceptable.
Come and visit our bloggie for some hairy stories!
Inky and Molly

Dewey Dewster said...

I don't think I can help ya there Sam.....why....ya may ask....becuz...I'm in dire need of a haircut too....Toby already got one and I'm sure that I am next.....if ya don't want the other dreaded torture chamber...the BATH....I would stay outta the mud......

Dewey Dewster here....

The Thuglets said...

Hello again from us..we just got back to blog land and are busy catching up.

Hope the hairdo goes well. we love the muddy paws and leggies look!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets