Sunday, June 13, 2010

Help me pals!!!

Oh, pals.. I need your help. I have been hearing whispers that I am going to get a dreaded...





Oh, my mother says I'll be cooler. Whatever... I don't want a haircut. My mother gives me a homestyle haircut. Have you ever seen a wire fox terrier with a bowl cut?

I'm pleading....

Mom also said that my hair needs to be trimmed because I have to get measured for flyball. I need to be "as short as possible." WHAT??????!!!!!!!

I am a big boy! Oh sure, I am the smallest one in my house, but why should that spread to the flyball world. Hurmph. Oh, so what if the team needs a height dog, and I am a little taller than what they want. My mother is calling me, too tall Sam.

Good thing I am a wire fox terrier and I have a big enough ego and self esteem that I don't have to listen to this garbage about my height. I just want my fur to look nice for my big debut at the NAFA tournament.

I'll let you know how it turns out. Of course, if I don't like it, I can always resort to this to get my mom back...... BOL

Update!!!! My mother just watched EXTREME POODLES on the telly. Oh, plz help!!! It was all about artistic grooming! Yikes.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Free day?!! What the heck?

Hi kids!  Whew, we have been so busy the past few months with everything going on that we found we had an entirely free weekend.  Like, whassup with that?  No agility trials, no flyball tournaments, no traveling, no nothing......

I'm not one to just sit around, so I decided to take a few photos today......

Here's a self portrait of what I will be doing later this afternoon.  i call it,  DOGDAY AFTERNOON.

Zorra and our cuz, Honeycomb, are going to spend the afternoon hanging out, too.  (Beware, Zorra doesn't like Honeycomb much of the time.  Notice her look!  BOL)  This still piece is called CUZINLY LUV.

And, here's my goofy little brother.  He's SOOOOO annoying.  He thinks he's from England, but he's NOT, he's from nothern Indiana.  Right now, he's resting  but, soon, he'll be up and pacing around to watch "football." This afternoon.  We have gotten in several arguments, that it's called soccer in the US of A, IN MY HOUSE, not football.  If he doesn't start listening to me, I am going to sit on him!  I took a pic of him, too.  His portrait is ANNOYING LITTLE P**SANT.

I'm not sure what we are going to do the rest of the day.  Mom is going around grumbling to try to get things done and honked off that it is raining so we can't play outside.  I say.. hey, everyone deserves a day off.  After my nap, I think I'll just follow her around everywhere she goes, and I do mean everywhere. BOL.