Today is my birthday. Well, as far as Mom can tell. I don't remember when I was born, but she thinks it was probably around May 14, and that date was one of her good friend's birthday who passed away, so she thought it was a good tribute.
I am having a great day so far, and the best thing is Mom and I are going to agility practice! Woo hoo. She said I could have some custard on the way home!! I am so excited, 2 of my favorite things in one day. What a lucky girl!
WE have been practicing flyball really hard, as we have a big tournament in 2 weeks. I am going all by myself with Auntie. Oh no... mom can't go, but she said I could go if Auntie took me. I hope Auntie is up to the challenge. We are going all the way to Michigan. I have never been there before. I hope Auntie knows the way!!
Here are some new friends I met last weekend, too. I went with my mom to work, and we took a walk. Theys guys were strange looking!!! But, strangely, they reminded me of ... me? At least the ears, huh?
I wasn't too sure about them, but I got a little closer to see if they were pups or what! They had long ears and collars, but man, are they bizarre looking. They also didn't smell like pups.
Then, this one told me she was a G-O-A-T. Well, I am not sure what that mean, so I just looked at her funny. But, they were nice. I will probably go see them again next time.
Anyway, happy barkday to me!!
A very very happy barkday to you, Zorra!!!
Your friend, Lenny
Happy Barkday to you
Happy Barkday to you
Happy Barkday dear Zorra
Happy Barkday to you.
Molly and Taffy
Happy Birthday, Zorra! Have fun on your special day!
Happy Birthday Zorra!
I am sure you had a pawesome time celebrating your big day!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Birthday from me, too, Zorra!
I am glad for you getting special treats for your birthday. I live in Minniesoda and that is not so far from Michigan. Drop
by when you get up this way!
Happy birthday Zorra. Hope you had a pawesome day.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy x
Late again with Barkday Greetings!
Sorry Zorra, hope the treats are still coming.
Pats & pets
Happy BD to you,Happy BD to you, Happy BD dear Zorra, Happy BD to you!!! We have heard that those goat kids are a little stinky.....Enquiring minds want to know!! Love A+A
Happy Belated Birthday, Zorra.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hey there you new-to-us trio! We stumbled on your blog, hopefully in time to wish Zorra a belated birthday! We believe birthday celebrations should last at least a week, so we're hoping we're not too late.
You look like a happy (and VERY athletic and technology savvy) group. Glad to meetcha!
Jake and Fergi (twospecialwires)
Happy Barkday Zorra!!!!
Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies
Happy belated birthday, Zorra! We hope you had the best birthday ever with lots of treats!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
omdog happy belated barkday!!!
Hey guys! We think your Auntie is amazing for what she did.
Did you know that Dog Fancy has info about NSDTRs this month?
Your friend, Lenny
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