Our friend Quinn, and couzin Avery's hooman posted 2 very funny posts to her blog recently.
Go on over there and check it out. She has photos and everything!! You can get there from here. It made our auntie and mom snort!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Take a quick view at this link
Here is a nice story about what happend to #$#$#$ Vicks' dogs in the recent Sports Illustrated issue. It illustrates how patience and love can transform dogs, and even humans. It is a very good article. This link provides photos from the article. A testament how a "breed" isn't bad, it is how the individuals treat and train "the breed." Give it a glance! And, here is the link to the article. Hard to believe it is SI.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas time, so many things.. so little time
Hello friends....
I slipped mother an anti-stress pill in her caffeine laden drink and it appears that it has temporarily knocked her out. So, the girls and I are taking this opprotunity to blog.
We have been so busy working at the store, making sure mother works at her real job, attending agility and rally classes, attending agility trials, barking, sleeping, playing, and traveling that we don't know if we are coming or going!
We had a bark-taq-u-lar Christmas, and we hope that everyone celebrating their holidays did too. Santa Paws was quite generous with us, even though some of us which won't be named (Katherine) were on the naughty list. I, of course, was a perfect boy all year and had no guilty conscious regarding my actions.
The weekend before Christmas we had an agility trial, and we all did marvelously well. Katherine and Zorra got many qualifying runs. I got one, myself. Obviously, the judge did not agree with some of my choices during the course and did not allow me to finish. Pish Posh, I say. I can always plot a better course than any mere human!
In fact, at one point, I thought that Mother and I were racing to the end of the tunnel. I ran into my end to speed along, but was SHOCKED to see her legs at the other end blocking my way. As soon as I stuck my nose out of the tunnel, she swooped me up, saying something about the course did not allow endless tunneling. I only took it 4 times! I would have taken it more if she had not so unceremoniously grabbed me! I, for one, was quite taken aback by mother's lack of foresight!
We have another trial over New Years Eve and Day. One of our New Year's resolutions is to keep up with our blogging We got quite far behind over the past few months. Thanks for sticking in there with us. You are all quite wonderful pals!
I slipped mother an anti-stress pill in her caffeine laden drink and it appears that it has temporarily knocked her out. So, the girls and I are taking this opprotunity to blog.
We have been so busy working at the store, making sure mother works at her real job, attending agility and rally classes, attending agility trials, barking, sleeping, playing, and traveling that we don't know if we are coming or going!
We had a bark-taq-u-lar Christmas, and we hope that everyone celebrating their holidays did too. Santa Paws was quite generous with us, even though some of us which won't be named (Katherine) were on the naughty list. I, of course, was a perfect boy all year and had no guilty conscious regarding my actions.
The weekend before Christmas we had an agility trial, and we all did marvelously well. Katherine and Zorra got many qualifying runs. I got one, myself. Obviously, the judge did not agree with some of my choices during the course and did not allow me to finish. Pish Posh, I say. I can always plot a better course than any mere human!
In fact, at one point, I thought that Mother and I were racing to the end of the tunnel. I ran into my end to speed along, but was SHOCKED to see her legs at the other end blocking my way. As soon as I stuck my nose out of the tunnel, she swooped me up, saying something about the course did not allow endless tunneling. I only took it 4 times! I would have taken it more if she had not so unceremoniously grabbed me! I, for one, was quite taken aback by mother's lack of foresight!
We have another trial over New Years Eve and Day. One of our New Year's resolutions is to keep up with our blogging We got quite far behind over the past few months. Thanks for sticking in there with us. You are all quite wonderful pals!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Holidays, etc.
Hello Everyone,
First, the girls and I would like to thank everyone who has sent us Christmas cards already! We are having such fun at mother. We have received close to 20, and... how many have you received, mother? What's that you say? NONE? Zero, Zip. BOL.
Well, we have been very busy with the holidays. First, on Thanksgiving, we took a delightful 6 mile hike with Auntie and Mother. Auntie and the girls had not been on this particular trail, so I was delighted to show them the way. Zorra, there is a very good scent here... see?

And, so we started on our quest to hike the trail, 6 miles round trip. The trail goes along the canal. Part of the old canal tow path is now a railroad.

Zorra and I were walking with Mother. It takes two of us to watch her. We have a long way to go! So, let's get moving.

Auntie and Katie seem to have a difference of opinion on where to go. Here's a clue.... the trail continues straight!

Those two led us along until we reached the end of the track, as noted here. But, it wasn't the end of the trail!

We saw a lot of things along the trail, like this old piece of farm machinery. Of course, I had to bark at it.

Mother decided this was a perfect time for a photo shoot. Oh, how dimwitted she is at times. First, she made ME sit next to Katherine. Blech....

Katherine was more interested in the birds, than getting her photo taken. C'mon. The faster we get our mugs shot, the faster we can go sniff!

Did someone say treat? Do try to stay awake, Katherine!

Katherine has the attention span of a GNAT. LEAVE THE BIRDS ALONE!
OMD. NOW, SHE'S LOOKING FOR SQUIRRELS! We will never get the perfect shot.

I grew tired of those slackers, and now, I am off on my own trailblazing trek!

See you soon!!
First, the girls and I would like to thank everyone who has sent us Christmas cards already! We are having such fun at mother. We have received close to 20, and... how many have you received, mother? What's that you say? NONE? Zero, Zip. BOL.
Well, we have been very busy with the holidays. First, on Thanksgiving, we took a delightful 6 mile hike with Auntie and Mother. Auntie and the girls had not been on this particular trail, so I was delighted to show them the way. Zorra, there is a very good scent here... see?
And, so we started on our quest to hike the trail, 6 miles round trip. The trail goes along the canal. Part of the old canal tow path is now a railroad.
Zorra and I were walking with Mother. It takes two of us to watch her. We have a long way to go! So, let's get moving.
Auntie and Katie seem to have a difference of opinion on where to go. Here's a clue.... the trail continues straight!
Those two led us along until we reached the end of the track, as noted here. But, it wasn't the end of the trail!
We saw a lot of things along the trail, like this old piece of farm machinery. Of course, I had to bark at it.
Mother decided this was a perfect time for a photo shoot. Oh, how dimwitted she is at times. First, she made ME sit next to Katherine. Blech....
Katherine was more interested in the birds, than getting her photo taken. C'mon. The faster we get our mugs shot, the faster we can go sniff!
Did someone say treat? Do try to stay awake, Katherine!
Katherine has the attention span of a GNAT. LEAVE THE BIRDS ALONE!
I grew tired of those slackers, and now, I am off on my own trailblazing trek!
See you soon!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Hiya... happenings
Hiya kids!
We finally wrangled the computer away from our mom... don't be bothered with that screaming or anything coming from the garage. We just locked her out so we could post. She never gives up the computer much anymore... she is "supposedly" working. WHATEVER. We need to post......
While mom is working, we get b o r e d with not much to do. I was lying around on the couch... but that got boring. REALLY boring. I am going to go check on Mom. Maybe she's not working.

You are STILL working??!! That is just not fair. Where is my time. Me and you?? Just us? Do you even remember who I am???

I guess I will go lie on the couch in the den. I just can't get comfy.....

Sam get up!!! Let me boss you around and take all your toys! Sam says he's sleeping and doesn't want to play. What a BABY!

C'mon Zorra.. Let's WRASSLE!!!

She says she schnoozing too. Whassup with all this @#@$@$@. I need some interaction!
I even tried to get into a theoretical conversation with Ruthie, who owns my grandpa. Ruthie wasn't seeing my point of view and immediately turned around and went to sleep!
THEN, my mom says.. C'mon Katie. We gotta go! I was like WOW. Let's do it!
We went to a pet expo to do an agility demo to help promote our training center. Now, Mom didn't get any photos of me doing anything, but she did get some of our buddies!

Here is Duffy on the teeter-totter. He and his mom did a great job. And, this photo below is Deeva, Duffy's big sister. She was there to do some agility, too. They are two of my pals from agility trials, and agility, rally, and flyball classes.

This blur is Jet, a min pin. He goes really fast. Mom didn't have on flash, so the speed of the camera was a little slow, but it really makes Jet look like a blur. BOL.

The pet expo was GREAT. I won a bag of really good dog food, got some great treats and mom even bought ME some new toys and leashes. I had a great day!
But, then, we came home and now I am bored...
But, I think I will just rest my eyes for a MOMENT.
We finally wrangled the computer away from our mom... don't be bothered with that screaming or anything coming from the garage. We just locked her out so we could post. She never gives up the computer much anymore... she is "supposedly" working. WHATEVER. We need to post......
While mom is working, we get b o r e d with not much to do. I was lying around on the couch... but that got boring. REALLY boring. I am going to go check on Mom. Maybe she's not working.
You are STILL working??!! That is just not fair. Where is my time. Me and you?? Just us? Do you even remember who I am???

I guess I will go lie on the couch in the den. I just can't get comfy.....

Sam get up!!! Let me boss you around and take all your toys! Sam says he's sleeping and doesn't want to play. What a BABY!
C'mon Zorra.. Let's WRASSLE!!!
She says she schnoozing too. Whassup with all this @#@$@$@. I need some interaction!
THEN, my mom says.. C'mon Katie. We gotta go! I was like WOW. Let's do it!
We went to a pet expo to do an agility demo to help promote our training center. Now, Mom didn't get any photos of me doing anything, but she did get some of our buddies!
Here is Duffy on the teeter-totter. He and his mom did a great job. And, this photo below is Deeva, Duffy's big sister. She was there to do some agility, too. They are two of my pals from agility trials, and agility, rally, and flyball classes.
This blur is Jet, a min pin. He goes really fast. Mom didn't have on flash, so the speed of the camera was a little slow, but it really makes Jet look like a blur. BOL.
The pet expo was GREAT. I won a bag of really good dog food, got some great treats and mom even bought ME some new toys and leashes. I had a great day!
But, then, we came home and now I am bored...
But, I think I will just rest my eyes for a MOMENT.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tricks, treats, and bites
Well, I am all dressed up and ready to go to the howl-o-ween pawty. Here's mother giving me last minute instructions. I do wish she would wear clothes that fit properly. As you can see, I am quite worried that her had is going to be eaten by her sleeve. Fashionista, she is NOT.

Where are those girls?? Here I am looking and looking. How loooong does it take girls to get ready??
I'll just stand here and wait... with my football.

Ahhh, at last... here comes Kathrine dressed up as a princess. (She thinks she's one).

Zorra doesn't like to dress up, but she did stand next to this pumpkin decoration before we jetted off to England!

See you all at the pawty!
Where are those girls?? Here I am looking and looking. How loooong does it take girls to get ready??
Ahhh, at last... here comes Kathrine dressed up as a princess. (She thinks she's one).

Zorra doesn't like to dress up, but she did stand next to this pumpkin decoration before we jetted off to England!
See you all at the pawty!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Vicious rumors!!
We found that there are vicious rumors circulating a website regarding mom. Well.... click here. My mom is getting blamed for something that well, she did cause. BOL.
As you know, we just couldn't take Avery right now. Even though Mom really, really wanted to add Avery to our family. :( We are still in the midst of training Zorra and Sam in everything and, well, I just don't have enough time to make sure those 2 pups are where they need to be! Of course, I would have loved another pup to raise around here.
I mean, really, if Mom had just done as asked, then Avery's mom wouldn't have had a mental breakdown or something. We sure are sorry about your mom having a carnival freaky headache from banging it against her desk. We told Mom that it was HER fault, and she should accept the blame. But, our mom is clueless. She refuses to accept that responsibility.

We say get a grip! Avery's mom - you are over on the darkside now with a terrier mix. But, we're here for ya, Avery. We can be cousins.
We can even bring the flyball jumps we have up sometime for you to practice on. Sam just started flyball and he thinks he is wicked fast. Not as fast as me, of course.
We think your mom is doing a great thing by getting you into obedience training first, Avery. You might not like it at first, but think of all those treats you'll get and all the alone time you'll get with your mom. We're here for ya, Avery. And, Mom decided that in your honor, she will pledge to Auntie's marathon walk money to the Husky rescue. (Well, she's actually hoping that will cause your mom to take the voo doo pins out of the doll she assembled to look like Mom).
Peace out, Cousin Avery. We can't wait until you send us pics like these....

As you know, we just couldn't take Avery right now. Even though Mom really, really wanted to add Avery to our family. :( We are still in the midst of training Zorra and Sam in everything and, well, I just don't have enough time to make sure those 2 pups are where they need to be! Of course, I would have loved another pup to raise around here.
I mean, really, if Mom had just done as asked, then Avery's mom wouldn't have had a mental breakdown or something. We sure are sorry about your mom having a carnival freaky headache from banging it against her desk. We told Mom that it was HER fault, and she should accept the blame. But, our mom is clueless. She refuses to accept that responsibility.

We say get a grip! Avery's mom - you are over on the darkside now with a terrier mix. But, we're here for ya, Avery. We can be cousins.
We can even bring the flyball jumps we have up sometime for you to practice on. Sam just started flyball and he thinks he is wicked fast. Not as fast as me, of course.
We think your mom is doing a great thing by getting you into obedience training first, Avery. You might not like it at first, but think of all those treats you'll get and all the alone time you'll get with your mom. We're here for ya, Avery. And, Mom decided that in your honor, she will pledge to Auntie's marathon walk money to the Husky rescue. (Well, she's actually hoping that will cause your mom to take the voo doo pins out of the doll she assembled to look like Mom).
Peace out, Cousin Avery. We can't wait until you send us pics like these....

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Hiking, Hiking, and lots o' sniffing
Hello pals. Guess what.. this week, instead of working, mother and I went on a trail walk! Mother always wanted to walk a newly dedicated trail, the Whitewater Canal Trail in Metamora. We were in Metamora for a function that evening. But, we weren't working. Just mother and I went this time, but Katie and Zorra are coming the next time we go.
Come on!! Let's go!

Here is the start of the trail. It is a bit over 5 miles round trip. I was anxious to get started.

I met many strange creatures along the way. This was some kind of a sheep head stuck in a straw bale.
Then, we noticed it was part of something called a "corn maze." It is this common thing amount midwestern hoomans that happens during Autumn. They find it necessary to design mazes through cornfields and then try to get lost in them, as they "find their way out."
Here are some hoomans shelling corn with an antique sheller.

This little girl is trying her hand at roping the sheep head I described earlier. She wasn't very successful, but tried anyway!

We finally came across a map to tell us where we were. Not very far yet, Mother. Let's go.

Mother grew up on a farm and Grandfather always refers to this as "money." Looks like corn to me??

Along the trail, I hought I hit the mother lode. TENNIS BALLS!! Until I bit into one. Blech. Over ripe crab apples.

Finally, out of the cornfields and into the woods. OHHH the smells!!


Mother said that it was time to walk back as we had to go to our event in town. Booo. Also, she wasn't taking as many photos. We had hiked about 4 miles and SHE was getting tired.

So, we walked past the money again....

Mother, the trail seems to have gotten longer. Carry me.... WHAT? NO? Well....
Look one of the canal horses... perhaps he will give us a ride??

Mother just kept walking and we finally made it back to Metamora. It was good to see Grandmother and Grandfather at their store. More about the "event" in a later post.
Come on!! Let's go!
Here is the start of the trail. It is a bit over 5 miles round trip. I was anxious to get started.
I met many strange creatures along the way. This was some kind of a sheep head stuck in a straw bale.
Here are some hoomans shelling corn with an antique sheller.
This little girl is trying her hand at roping the sheep head I described earlier. She wasn't very successful, but tried anyway!
We finally came across a map to tell us where we were. Not very far yet, Mother. Let's go.
Mother grew up on a farm and Grandfather always refers to this as "money." Looks like corn to me??
Along the trail, I hought I hit the mother lode. TENNIS BALLS!! Until I bit into one. Blech. Over ripe crab apples.
Finally, out of the cornfields and into the woods. OHHH the smells!!
Mother said that it was time to walk back as we had to go to our event in town. Booo. Also, she wasn't taking as many photos. We had hiked about 4 miles and SHE was getting tired.
So, we walked past the money again....
Mother, the trail seems to have gotten longer. Carry me.... WHAT? NO? Well....
Look one of the canal horses... perhaps he will give us a ride??
Mother just kept walking and we finally made it back to Metamora. It was good to see Grandmother and Grandfather at their store. More about the "event" in a later post.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
As you know, we all have to go to work with Mother on the weekends in Metamora. Now is a fun time since all the stores are decorated for Fall, and some are decorated for Howloween.
Here's Katie in front of Grandmother's store. Mother decorated the store outside with all sorts of things.
This old house next to us is also a shop. If you click on the photo, you can see they put a graveyard in their front yard!! We are not sure if it is real or not. We are not sure where they got all those bodies, but they are lying out all over the place! I must remember not to poo in their yard!

Scaredy cat Zorra got brave and went to talk to this Zombie. I'm not sure what they are talking about, but I didn't want to know!!

Here I am next to these huge pumpkins. These would have made great pies. I hope that mother remembers that and gets to baking! I am really in the mood for a PIE.

Scaredy cat Zorra got brave and went to talk to this Zombie. I'm not sure what they are talking about, but I didn't want to know!!

Here I am next to these huge pumpkins. These would have made great pies. I hope that mother remembers that and gets to baking! I am really in the mood for a PIE.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Hiya Kids
We were over visiting the Corgi Lounge, sniffing around for a martini or something, when we saw that the girls found a GREAT website. So, we had to try it out, too. Here is what ours looks like

I think Sam talks too much about Mom..... he is the ONLY one who calls her Mother. (He's a mama's boy).

I think Sam talks too much about Mom..... he is the ONLY one who calls her Mother. (He's a mama's boy).
Friday, October 17, 2008
Last weekend

Last weekend, we had our last outdoor agility trial for the year. I am happy that it wasn't too cold. I get cold pretty easy, simply because my coat isn't as furry as Katie's or Sam's. Sometimes I think they roll their eyes at me when I start shivering.
Only me and Katie were competing. Sammie was just along for the ride. I thought I would show you how I get into the zone getting ready for my run.
In USDAA agility, they give out maps so you can plan how your are going to run. I like to study the course for a long time beforehand. I take my pencil and carefully outline the most efficient path. I commit it to memory before I run. I make sure I stretch my muscles, warm up and hydrate myself.

Here's how Katie prepares for her run..... lying down. I think she is visualizing going over a jump?

Sammie entertains everyone and eats a whole tube of Pringles. Then, he tells more jokes. I don't think that is the proper way to mentally prepare?

Anway, it didn't matter what he did. He wasn't competing this time. Even though I find Katie's pre-run routine rather lax, she did get a qualifying score and ran very well according to Mommi.
I, also got a qualifying score. And, in my opinion did excellent all weekend.
But, I have to talk to these two about proper training schedules, etc.
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