As you know, we all have to go to work with Mother on the weekends in Metamora. Now is a fun time since all the stores are decorated for Fall, and some are decorated for Howloween.

Here's Katie in front of Grandmother's store. Mother decorated the store outside with all sorts of things.

This old house next to us is also a shop. If you click on the photo, you can see they put a graveyard in their front yard!! We are not sure if it is real or not. We are not sure where they got all those bodies, but they are lying out all over the place! I must remember not to poo in their yard!

Scaredy cat Zorra got brave and went to talk to this Zombie. I'm not sure what they are talking about, but I didn't want to know!!

Here I am next to these huge pumpkins. These would have made great pies. I hope that mother remembers that and gets to baking! I am really in the mood for a PIE.
I just love this must look gweat in youw town! I hope you get some ginouwmous pies!
smoochie kisses
Kool decos! That zombie looks sooo scawie. I wouldn't go close to that thing! Those pumpkins are monsters!!! We saw a few being sold in my country but they cost so much but are smaller than those!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Holy Moley, Sam! Those pumpkins must be 500 pounders! That's a lot of pumpkin pie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
OMDOG that house looks totally scary!! I wouldn't go near it!!
Now those are some super nice pumpkins and as fer the zombies....we hope they are very quiet and still.....we don't like how..... Halloween is my barkday and ta tell ya the truth it scares about you?
Dewey Dewster here...
Well Archie faintd when he saw the zombie and then he woke up and fainted again when he saw the gravestones... this is going to be a long Halloween..Love A+A
Wow, those are wire-dwarfing pumpkins--or mutant podlings from Cluster M-39!
Scary stuff! 'Specially the WHFT suit.
Buster & Bailey
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