I intercepted this email that "Auntie" sent her friends. I was shocked by its contents......
Okay you all have seen him and commented on how much you think he is cute...now is your opportunity to rent him for almost TWO WEEKS!
Just think you could be living for two weeks with the following:
SMOOCHES anytime you want them.
"Hi-dy Hi" whenever you say his name.
TONS of exercise throwing a toy or ball at least 500 times a day.
"Presents" whenever you leave him by himself for more than 2 minutes.
A dog that knows rally, agility, and some flyball.
A dog that can alert you to a storm over 200 miles away! Just think, it could SAVE YOUR LIFE!
Recently groomed--Just think...less hair.
He is not an early bird, you really don't have to get up before 9. He doesn't like to wake up in the morning.
You MUST return him on Thursday, March 26th so his mom does not found out.
You must take and run him in agility class the next two Mondays. Don't worry, he just runs around the ring for Jonna, too.
200 dollars (scratch that)
50 dollars (scratch that)
Okay, okay I will give YOU 10 dollars + food + I might throw in one of the others (not Zorra).
Just let me know!
P.S. I am totally kidding, but he is driving me NUTS! Sam is what happens when you spend 24*7 with a dog and have to leave him for almost 3 weeks. Poor guy.
Poor Auntie. So naive. Wait until she sees what I do now!!
Hi, friends!
I can't believe what she wrote! Haaa!
Well, I guess it is true!
Be nice with your Auntie!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
She is so ungrateful!! Doesn't she realize it is an HONOR to spend all that time with you. Get her dude.
Must be one of those spam hoax mails Sam. I get em all the time. Can't possibly be writing about you.Hit the delete button or yes...forward to Mom..harharararaa!!
Wiry wags, Eric xx
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