Oh, my sisters and I have been so busy going to flyball tournaments and agility practice. We have actually met ourselves coming and going.
I must tell you that I find flyball so very exciting. Of course, everyone who sees me comes up to my mother and and asks about me. I'm quite well known. Some people think I am an Airedale puppy, of all thing! Obviously, they have never met my good friends Maggie and Mitch!

Others marvel at how Mother has been training me to do flyball. They say they've never seen a wire fox terrier doing flyball! How odd, I would think that everyone wants to do it. My mother says that she was naive in the ways of wire fox terrorism and just assumed that I could be trained, or die trying. In reality, I owe little to my mother, and I owe it all to the Supreme Commander. She is the one I take orders from. My mother is merely a platoon Sargent. My mother and I must seek out the Supreme Commander before our flyball runs, which I receive secret orders to carry out during the mission. I guess I can tell you most of the orders of my secret mission, dear friends. Just don't tell my mother. Most of the time, my commander says.. Run as fast as you can, Sam, over all four jumps. Get the ball, bring it back to the Platoon Sargent. I must complete the mission successfully to receive my ration of bits of nicely prepared rare steak. YUM.
In fact, dear WFT pals, our breed is so rare in performance sports that I have won two awards just being me at flyball tournaments. I have received the award for most unusual flyball dog! And, for the dog that loves flyball so much, I run with all my heart. For that one, I won a HUGE gift basket, which unfortunately I had to share with my sisters and cousins.
I have managed to become the #1 wire fox terror in U-fli and I am currently #10 in Nafa. I'm doing this for all the WFTs that have received a bad rap for not being trainable in sports! HURRUMPH is what I say. I have just had more chances to try things than other pups. I want you all to be proud of our accomplishments as I do it for one and all.
Next event - agility!
I am in awe Sam Asta-Fawi Joe H. Pinekewton Peabody Esq.
(Asta bows)
Thank youf ow showing all the nay sayews how faboolous a wiwe can be
Congwatulations on all youw wins and unique wondewfulness!!!!
You desewve all the accolades and that yummie steak!
smoochie pwoud kisses
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - look at you flyin'! Congratulations to you! We are so very proud of you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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