We finally made it back from AZ. We had some trouble dodging all those storms on the way home. Today has me in a reflective mood....
I'm wondering when it is going to stop raining so we can go run around outside. Our mom is driving us NUTS. We need a break from her!! She has been working too much and she is cranky.
I am also wondering why my collar is reflecting when I am inside the house??
I'm visualizing how much fun it is to go run around outside, without the rain and without slopping around in the mud all the time. I don't really mind it so much, but my mom isn't too keen on Sammie's mud pies. And, visualizing my mom not being so cranky and giving us lots of treats....
Visualizing even harder that Mom will be nice and go get us some treats.... treats... treats...
YEA!! It worked. Mom gots us our favorite treats!! Frozen Peanut Butter Kongs!!!!!!
What a weekend huh??!!!!That VW is the NUTS!! Archie has stopped crying and is looking forward to baseball season now. Hey, does your Mom just stuff the kong with straight penut butter???(inquiring minds want to knoww!!!!) Love and smoochies A+A
Ooh Katie
Can you teach me that visooalisation??I'm kind of going nuts hewe in the wain too
smoochie kisses
The visualization thing is neat-o. I wanna learn too, OK>
We love kongs, but usually only get them on Thursdays when our Nonni comes to play. Yummy
Hi, Katie!
Looks like your visualization worked!
You got the treats... I hope you get the rain going away too!
Kisses and hugs
i hate rain too... whenever it came, it means no walkie for the day...
btw.. u got urself a shinny collar...
We're sick of the rain too, and yesterday our whole town tried to get blown away!
We love your visualisation technique and we're going to try to bring springtime.
wags from the whippets
Frozen peanut butter kongs sounds good to me!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey, that's a neat trick. Maybe I can use that on Mom when I want to go for a ride in the truck.
~William Tell
Oooo, I'm going to try that visualisation trick on J1 and see if it works. I usually get peanut butter swirled in cream cheese and then frozen in a kong. That's because I'm greedy! J x
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