Our good pal, Thor gave us this wonderful award. Thank you so much, Thor.
To try to stay out of trouble today (it is a mudpit in the backyard), we were crusing the net. We suddenly relized that we were one day late with Chinese New Year. This year, 2008, is known as the Year of the RAT. OMD. Sammie is about ready to go NUTS on that. He thinks RATS will be everywhere, and he wants to get them ALL!!
In Earthdog competitions (A + A know all about those), they use a RAT in a cage to get WFTs and other Earth doggies into the tunnels and the doggies should act like they are going to get the RAT. Sammie is very good at mousing home and digging to get the moles, etc in the yard.....
So, this will be a busy year for Sammie. He has a whole year to get as many RATS as possible.
Mommi HATES HATES HATES rats, mice and other vermin... So, she may just have a fit with all this talk about RATS. BOL. BOL.

Hi, friends!
Congratulations on your E award!
My mom is afraid of rats too! I've never seen one but I am sure they are fun to catch and play with them!
Kisses and hugs
Hi there!
Well done on the award, rightly deserved tto.
Rats, mice can't stand the ***** things. Go Sam go I say!
Pats & pets
Isn't it great that this year is the year of the RAT? I've seen a few before but never got the chance to catch one becoz it's just too damn fast & it's always running in dark corners so, it's hard for me to gage where it is. I bet Sammie will have loads of fun catching those rats! But this also mean that this year, the rat will invade our whole world & does this also mean, no more roast porkies for us?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Congratulations on your award! Our mom hates rats and mousies but Mitch and I think it's fun to try and find them when mom screams that there's one in the house!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We don't like rats either, but Happy Chinese New Year!!! We're celebratin' around here :)
Peace + Paws,
The Zoo Crew
Hi guys!
Oooh! Year of the rat, ey? Sounds like fun! When we had a mice problem, Maya had so much fun catching and playing with the mice. But our humans weren't as
Congrats on the award!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hey pals, congrats on your award. I've never seen a rat, but I live in hope! J x
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