Our mother has hogged the computer for DAYs! Even to go sooo far as to post photos on her own blog for ABC Wednesday, when we had NOT posted in eons. I immediately advised her that this was totally inappropriate behavior!
That is a photo of Zorra and I pouting on the sofa.
Katherine, Zorra, and I all had an CPE agility trial this past weekend. Everyone did very well. Katie and Zorra received qualifying runs toward those silly titles. And, as you know, I prefer the more "nomadic approach" to agility. I ran and ran and ran. My mother didn't find it as fun as I did, and mostly just stood in the middle of the course next to the judge. Other people thought I was rather humorous and laughed at my antics.
By Sunday afternoon, I was getting quite tired and just decided to give my mother a little present and I ALMOST completed the course. Even the judge said I was getting better. To that, my mother laughed and carried me off the course. I delight in making my fans happy. BOL. Mother hasn't forgotten about posting videos to the site. She just hasn't had time to figure it out.
We have been looking at our friends' blogs, and noticed that we needed to make something creative. Our mother has made many things to see in stores, online, and even when she, too, was nomadic and traveled to do arts and crafts shows. We'll post a few over the coming days.
This is one of our personal favorites, especially Zorra. She loves a good mat/blanket to snuggle on.

Our servant enjoyed your mom's blog very much!
wags from the whippets
woofies Sam, Zorra and Katie...me happy u had fun at u trials...heehee mama wood b chasing me all da time iffin me wuz dar...nice blankies, me finks me likies dat red one bestest...
b safe,
I think youw Mommi is vewy cweative..that looks vewy cozy!!!
Congwatulations to Katie and Zorra fow theiw achievements..hehehe,I think I would have a vewy similaw appwoach to youws Sam..it's so good of you to give youw fans some fun, instead of the woutine stuff that evewydoggie does
smoochie kisses,Asta
We would love to see you guys in action. It took a while for our pinkies to post videos on our blog but now there is no stopping them. It's easy really. Maybe we can all help pursuade your mum hee hee.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hi, Sam!
Sure you did a great job entertaining everyone there! Sure I'd love to see you!
The girls did a good job too!
I want to see your mom's creative things!
Kisses and hugs
Oh, we missed you guys! My mommy has been busy too with her new job so hence, no time to visit you guys or even update.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Sam
Well done for competing in the agility. I cannot be bothered with all that stuff but Taffy loves to play in the tunnel and leap over objects in our garden.
That blanket looks snuggly, we love snuggly blankies too.
Molly and Taffy
Hi Sam
Well done for competing in the agility. I cannot be bothered with all that stuff but Taffy loves to play in the tunnel and leap over objects in our garden.
That blanket looks snuggly, we love snuggly blankies too.
Molly and Taffy
Hi there!
Just to get things sorted - I for one 'love' your mother's entry in ABC Wed photo's, well, I would as I'm taking part too.
And Sam, I think your creativity is good - go boy go1
Pats & pets to all
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