I do have to say that my favorite obstacle (as they say in the agility world) is the A frame. I LOVE it. I love to climb up and down it. But, I must tell you the absolute special part of it, is when I can look down on my mother from the apex! You can really see her turn the brightest shade of red, especially when it is the 4th or 5th time I have climbed it in a row! BOL.

Zorra has finally mastered what she refers to as her arch nemesis the ..... TEETER TOTTER. Although she is not yet as quick as I am, she has managed not to stand in the middle and be frightened to move. So, hurrah for my sister. I, on the other hand, run completely to the end as quickly as I can. I like the feel of falling through space and the loud BANG at the end.

Katherine was at an agility trial with Mother last Sunday. I still question my mother's sanity for not taking ME. Katherine really didn't want to do agility on Sunday and she told me that Mother was in a tizzy as to why Katherine didn't want to participate. Katherine told me that it was just because. Always leave Mom guessing, is her motto. Mother was all ready to just pack it up and go home before the last run, but decided since the money was already paid, that she and Katherine should just give it a go. Well, Katherine decided that she would try to complete the course this time, and bam.. she got 2nd place. Again, Katherine's motto is always leave Mom guessing.

Now, we are considering Rally-O classes. It is a cross between Obedience and agility. We may do that. It sounds like a splendid time.
Of course, Mother says if I leave any more stains in the house, that I'll never get to go anywhere again. Oh, pish posh, I say. If she would take me everywhere she goes, we wouldn't have this problem, would we Mother.
Speaking of which, I am watching Mother now as she is buzzing around the house. It appears that she is getting ready to leave and she has my leash. Yippeeee.. but.. wait... she has a towel... and shampoo... oh no...... HELP
Uh oh, looks like you went from pish posh to splish splash in the blink of an eye! Now is the time to put those agility skills to the test. Run!
William Tell
Uh oh... not... BATH TIME!! Ahhh!!! Run, run as fast as you can while you still have time!! BOL!!!
Those are some grrreat pics!!
Thank you fur going to visit our new pals and fur keeping Bruno in your thoughts!!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Well we would prob be nervous on the teeter totter too! Just give us a dark tunnel WITH A RAT at the end of it!!!! Love A+A
woofies Sam, Zorra and Katie...u r all so smart, me coodnt do agility me not finks...and when its baff time, me cood really run fast...me just got to learn to run fast when dey gonna clean me earies...
b safe,
Hi, friends!
Sure you all are good at those trials and your mom too!
I have not had a bath in 2 weeks and believe me... I want it!
Kisses and hugs
Yeah a trial! Have lots of fun, K? We want to hear all about it.
Woofs, Johann
Love those pictures! I'm sure you guys did splendid! Oh no, a bath????
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh no! Not ANOTHER bath?? J x
I'm way too clumsy for agility, you guys look like you have it mastered though!
did i hear the word b-a-t-h??
aaarrggh... RUN!!!!
Love, Licks and Tail Wags..
Ben xxxxx
reading about you guys doing agility always gives us a chuckle
Great pictures! I love to watch you in action!
One bath?? Run fast!
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