After we left the pawty, we decided to go do some site seeing. Unfortunately, we let Sam drive....
Here we are flying out of Dreamingspires.....

WATCHOUT!! Sam almost took out the spire!!! I think he had one too many with the boys!! We decided that we had enough time to take a quick tour of London before we had to head home. We have agility class on Monday, and Mom will NOT be happy if we miss.
Step on it SAM!
OH no.... Sam can't read very well, and we landed right on top of Big Ben!! Yikes. Way to go, Idiot boy. WEll, this looks like a good parking space, so let's grab a bus and see the sites from below.

So, we went and got on the doubledecker bus! WE loved seeing the sites of London!!

We were just getting ready to find Jackson, Eric, and Ben the Rottie, (and Nana England, Father Unit's mum) but we saw some commotion around the VW. I guess they didn't think it was a good idea to park it up there. Anway, we snuck up there and took off. BUt, this fellow kept following us... we thought we were going to get thrown in the Tower of London for sure!!!

I think we took a wrong turn, because we ended up in Paddington Station. Sam really needs to learn how to read the GPS unit. He won't let us help, because HE wants to drive. You know how terriers can be.

Anyway, it was getting late and we had to get home, so we will stop by our pals next time. It was already getting dark. We said good-bye to London, Dreamingspires, and had great memories of the Pawty and all our pals.

We sure hope we get invited again, sometime. Meanwhile, I am making Sam take a crash course in GPS reading!!!
We think seeing Big Ben was well worth the detour!
What a fabulous pawty! We had a wonderful time!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We looove your car, I really need to get me one!!
Glad you had such a fun time, after the pawty - London may never be the same again!
Now, don't for get to come & collect your pawty favor Blue Rose.
Pats & pets
Happy Birthday Zorra!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Pals,
Nice to hear that you had a great time after pawty! Those pictures are pawsome!!
Happy Barkday, Zorra!!!!
I hope you have a great day!!
Love licks
w00f's katie, Zorra and sam...Zorra, u barkday carwd iz on our bloggy. we coodnt find a peemail addy..
b safe,
~rocky and company~
wow we sudda stayed with ya'' cos ya'll know how to have fun!
happy Barkieday Zorra! keep celebrating and come pick up your card when you can
Love Licks & waggin T tails barking jus fur you!
OhI wish I would have come wif you..that looks like a gweat side twip..and what's the cwack about tewwiews, hmmmmm
Is today Zorra's Birfday???if it is..I hope it's the BEST~!! AWE you thwee oming to the pawty in Austwalia this weekend..I could toast you thewe!!
smoochie kisses,ASTA
Crikey thank goodness you didn't rupture a tyre on top of Big Ben.
That Beetle car is very cool.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Next trip we are COMING WITH YOU guys in the VW!! We think Sam is a great driver! Love A+A
Ah, ha, so it WAS you guys I kept seeing zooming over my house last Sunday. Cool VW, and I'm glad to hear you're not a paw driver Sam!
Wiry Wags, Eric
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