As you can see, I am quite tired. However, have no fear. I am resting up today. I had a terrierific time over the weekend at the agility trial, camping, being with my friends, running amuck in the ring, etc., etc.
Katherine did quite well this weekend getting qualifying runs, bossing everyone around, and having a grand time. Zorra was a bit nervous and only had one qualifying run, but she tried very hard. She will give it the old college try and again, will attempt to overcome her stage fright.
I, as you know, am an outstanding agility star. I met up with my WFT buddies Riley and Ralph. We all met secretly and decided that it was Wild WFT weekend, and none of us would do anything our moms said, and we would all "do our business in the ring." Now, I was not sure if Riley and Ralph would actually "do their business" as they are older and more experienced that I. But, they said that I could be nervous at a new place and they wanted me to fit right in! And, when it came their time to run at various points, they promptly lifted legs in salute.
Of course, in my first run, I was distracted and didn't like what another dog had said in a pee-mail, so I went right over with my response. I heard my mother scream SAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. But, I needed to send my response right away and lifted my leg as an exclamation point! I absolutely told that other dog off!!! I was immediately scooped up by my mother, and another lady came over with a spray bottle and "tried" to erase what I had just sent. Ha. Try it lady. You are unsuccessful! My response to the first miscreant's pee-mail is still there.
In another run, I was stretching my legs as I sailed around the ring, until I noticed to dog chaps sitting away from the ring, but close enough for me to see them. I immediately went over and asked their advice on how I should properly run the course, but their mother was trying to put an end to our conversation. I stood there until I heard my mother coming up behind me. Then, I promptly turned and ran back to the course. I decided to humor her, and do a few obstacles. Of course, that pleased her feeble mind and she seemed happy, for a change, with my performance.
We stayed in this nice camper, and did not have to spend a cold, rainy day and night huddled together in our tent. The wind was so wicked on Friday and Saturday, that I am sure Mother would not have put it up properly, and we would have ended up who knows where, all a mass of legs, dogs, arms, and tent.
But, our Auntie Sharon, who is also our agility instructor, insisted that we stay in her camper with her for the weekend. Oh, I was so pleased. We were warm, dry, and happy all weekend. I will try to post more about our camping later this week.
Now, we all must prepare the VW for our trip to Blue;s and Snowball's birthday bash!
lol.....way to go.....stand up for yourself and don't take no crap from nothing......High Paws to you
woof's Katie, Zorra and Wild child Sam...heehee iz ur mama got grey hair yet sam....u haff to keep her on her toes...glad u had a pawsome weekend..we shood go camping in july, mama has to plan it fur a time when she not goted no doctor or Ct-scan scheduled...
b safe,
pp's buttt we haff to sleep in a tent, i never been camping, but lacylulu loved it...
Hello there! Katie came to visit us so we decided to come over and sniff around. It sounds like you have some busy times in your house. We hope we can be your friends too!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
oh dog, hasn't anyone told those humans you can try to delete peemails but they never REALLY go away!! GREAT job!!!
Good job with the pee mail!
Sure you had a very nice weekend!
Kisses and hugs
You boys & your pee-mail!
But I'm glad you did good for your mother in the end.
See you soon!
Pats & pets to all
Wow! It sounds like you had a great time, pee-mail and all. Humans just don't understand about pee-mail,do they? anyway, keep up the good work!
BOL Sam!
Hee hee... glad you replied to that pee-mail! You gotta show who's the boss around there! :D
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Glad you had fun at the trials. You sure are a handsome group of dogs.
Levi's mom
Way to go Sam!!!! What a fine foxy boy you are pulling out all the stunts at the best possible time!!!Mom is laughing and laughing . . .
he,he we sure know how to give value eh? Wiry wags. Eric x x
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