We wanted to introduce you to 2 new pals we made recently. The first one we met through our hooman pal, Blue. His name is Hero and you can visit him here. He's a nice pup and is new to DWB, so pop on over and give him a sniff.
Our other new friend is Stanislaw. Go walk by his site and see what he is up to.
We are going camping this weekend, and Zorra is glad. Do you know why? Because we are going with our Auntie Sharon who has a CAMPER, and we won't have to sleep in the tent. Now, I do enjoy roughing it, but Zorra DOES NOT. She hates camping and prefers the finer things... like a bed... a roof... and more than a few millimeters of plastic between the outside world and herself.
We are going to a CPE trial in Dayton, OH. Mother finally agreed that I can participate in more than one event. I shall show everyone my expertise and technique that I have refined over the last few weeks. Oh, will they be in awe!
And, thanks to all you who voted for us in the cool site of the day. We were the Cool Site of the Month for February!

Now, I must go oversee the packing of our van and supplies. I am certain mother will forget something vital, like food, stuffies, treats.... Of course, she can forget Katherine, and I would not cry. BOL.
Congratulations for winning cool site of the month award! That's really awesome, Sam!
We've never been camping before! Will you sit around the campfire and tell scary stories?
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Congrats on that prestigious award!!! And have a BLAST at your agility trial! We used to have a wonderful house that we pulled behind the van, oh how we loved it. But the silly servant sold it, and she still cries and misses it. You will have so much fun in the camper!
wags from the whippets
Congrats on your Cool Site of the Month Award!
I am sure you will have so much fun camping. I hope you have a great time at the agility trial!
Hi, friends!
Congratulations on your award!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Congratulations on winning that award!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
woof's sam, zorra and katie, heehee u not like campin?? i not nos iffin i does or not, but angel lacy loved it...congrats on u awarwd...
b safe,
[That's little Levi saying enjoy your weekend. It sounds like fun.]
Levi's mom
Wow! Thanks for the link to our site! Would you mind if we also included your blog on our links list?
My brother runs agility, but I think all that equipment just looks good for chewing and lifting my leg on a little.
Have a great weekend!
Congrats on the award! It's well deserved. And thank you for linking my blog. I've already made a new friend or two!
much love,
Enjoy the camping trip Sam. Sounds like fun. We've never been camping before.
We've just been over to Hero's blog to say hi. Wow, he sure had a rough start in life.
Congrats on your Cool Dog Site award. Well deserved matie.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Hey, well done on the award!
And thanks for giving pup Hero a plug.
Now Sam, you go & show you're true metal @ agility and have heaps of fun camping.
Pats & pets to all
Congrats on a well deserved award! Have fun camping!! and at the trial!!!! Tell us all about it!!! Countdown for Aggie is 6 days!!! Love A+A
Wooopie doo Sam ! Well done on your award and good luck at the agility.I'm barking for ya.
Wiry wags, Eric
Sam, I've tagged you in my blog to do a Memoir Meme. Come visit and I hope you choose to participate!
Congrats on your site Award we always knew ya'lls was really special
Love Licks
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