Hello Everybloggie,
My mommi is a computer hog. Sammie swears she oinks! I sez to him, "you better not let mommi hear you." I have exciting things to tell everybloggie!
Auntie, Katie, and Me ditched mommi and went to the dog training place for a flyball demo this past weekend. See, Auntie is my "handler" for flyball most times in class. I don’t really need a handler, but I ammuses mommi and auntie by pretending I need their help.
Spirit (Auntie Sharon's dog that is on the team) and me competed againt Maverick (another dog on the team, and Katie's BOYFRIEND) and this dog from another team--Ronan. Ronan is one of the fastest Border Collie's around here! Auntie got weepy she was so proud of me runnin against Ronan. I didn let him get too far ahead of me! I think if Auntie woulda released me earlier I could've won!
Auntie can be as forgetful as mommi, sos I dunt have any pics, but the Indy Star folks were there and got a shot of Maverick and Spirit runnin. Spirit is the one that sorta looks like Katie.
P.S. Katie did good too, but she iss not an official flyball girl like me!
w00f's Katie, Zorra and Sam...flyball, me never tried dat...me likes to play wiff a ball, iz dat the same thing...heehee glad to u cya's back..
b safe,
Flyball sure looks fun!!!
You sure sound like a super talented pup. My humans are thinking about flyball for me because I like to run all speedy-like. You make it sound like fun!
Looks like you were going really soooper fast! Bet you had a pawsome time Katie.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
It must have been so gweat to do that..you awe a mawvelous flyball giwl..and I'm glad Katie twied too!
Sam I wanted to come and wish you a vewy Happy Birfday!!!
I hope you have a ball
smoochie kisses
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