Hi everydoggie,
First, today is our bloggerversary. It has been one entire year that we have had our bloggie, and made such great pals. Thanks to everyone for being our buddies and saring your doggie lives with me, Katie, and Sammie.
Sammie wrote about his trip to Metamor last week, and I am going to write about mine now. I love ti when mommi takes me with her to work. But, this time, mommi was sitting outside and that is not the way it usually is. normally, she sits INSIDE working with grandma.
I was sitting outside and mommi had a nice blanket for me, but I was still cold. I was still shivering, and when mommi asked me if I wanted to go inside, I said YES. It was nice and warm in there with grandma, and I greeted everyone from behind the counter. I got lots of pets and treats that day. i really loved it.
I met lots of other puppies, too. mommi and i were walking around, since i needed to stretch my legs. guess what I saw?? TWO, count 'em TWO wire fox terriers walking on leashes, next to each other.. with ALL THEIR PAWS on the ground. mommi and i couldn't believe it, and we decided that we had to meet them and tell them about Sammie.
We caught up with them and found out their names. They were Lilly, who is 4 years onld, and Phoebe, who was 11.
Mommi asked their mom and dad how the 2 pups could walk through a crowd on all 4 legs. Their mom and dad just laughed. We told them all about Sammi and Katie and all the activities that we all have. Lilly's mom was amazed that Sam did rally. She said that she might try Lilly in obedience (mommi and I laughed). Or, rally.. or maybe even agility!
Phoebe is a rescue like us. Actually, her original mom passed away and now she has a nice home with a lot of love. They were very nice and were actually not obnoxious like Sammie, that is for sure.

I really enjoyed working with grandma, especially. I love my grandma the bestest.
Hi, friends!
Happy Bloggoversary! and many more to come!
Kisses and hugs
w00f's puppers, congrats on ur bloggieversary..and watt fun u had at work wiff ur mama...and u meeted some cool friends too...
b safe,
Happy Blogovewsawawy to all of you!! It's gweat being fwiends wif you and weading about youw adventoowes..Youw Gwama sounds awfully nice and i bet it's gweat to go wowk wif hew..I'm a nice wiwe honest
smoochie kisses
Happy Blogoversary!!!!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
What a nice day you had with your grandma, Zorra!
Happy bloggerversary!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Zorra,
Wow Happy Bloggaversary you three. One whole year of blogging, that is pawesome!!!
That's great you got to meet other wires today. Gosh Phoebe is a grand age.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Happy Bloggerversary to you all! Thanks for being my friends too!
Sounds like you had a great time working with your grandma.
Love and licks
Happy Bloggerversary! That's so cool that you got to meet other Wire Fox Terriers.
Well, Happy Blogaversary fer sure....time goes fast when yer havin' fun...
Now meetin' up with 2 wire fox terriers is very unusual indeed....we never see 'em around here......not ever...we know they're around but we just never see 'em....it sounds like those 2 were super nice too....hope ya see more around....
Dewey Dewster here....
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