I was looking in the mirror the other day, and I told my mother that I needed to go to the spaw.

Yes, my fur is a bit shaggy. So shaggy, that a few of my Border Collie and Sheltie friends tried to herd me at the recent agility trial! Yes, it is definitely time for a trim.
Off I went to the spaw. I had a wonderful time with my favorite groomer, Lisa. Oh, she was full of thing to tell me since our last meeting. Of course, I had to tell her about all my blogging friends, my new WFT friends that I met at Earthdog, and all my other activities. I was also secretly wishing she didn't give me a bad 'do like she did last time.
But, have no fear. I had a new 'do and I think look quite handsome.

The girls, however, were joshing me a bit for my fur. What do they know?! They don't get to go to the spaw! They were rolling around laughing at me. Oh, who cares. I look brilliant!

woofies and burfs katie, zorra and sam..i thinks u lookies pawtastic after ur spaw visit sam...heehee watt does zorra and katie know, without all dat hair u can run faster in agility..
b safe,
You do look very handsome with your new haircut! I got one too last night, but it didn't turn out so well... something about bald spots on my ears. Oh well. I can't see it so it can't be that bad, right?
much love,
You're looking VERY handsome, Sam! We bet you're feeling a whole lot cooler now too, right?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You are adorable! BJ
They are clearly jealous, you look SMASHING!
Sam you look great after you've been groomed! I bet you feel sooo much cooler too.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi, Sam!
Yes, you look very handsome! What those two know about a good spaw and nice haircut!
Kisses and hugs
Well if you were at our house you would be called MR HANDSOME!!!!!!!!Love A+A
Where's that cuddlesome Sam gone?
I have to say you do look very handsome now mind.
Pats & pets
I think you look splendid!!vewy handsome indeed..I'm going fow my spa tweatment in eawly May..I know, I'm mistken fos a lambie too, heheh
The giwls shouldn't laugh..they obviously don't know what a pwopew foxie looks like..and I think you'll fly thwough agility nw..who'll be laughing then???Hmmm?
don't fowget the chat pawty this weekend
smoochie kisses
I think you look very very handsome!! and what do girls know anyway?? pffft!!
Ben xxxx
Hey Sam, what a handsome dude you look! I look a lot like your before photo as I'm off for my spa day in a weeks time. Hope I look as good as you when I come out.
Wiry wags, Eric
Very handsome you are Sam!
wags from Sam I Am the whippet
Sam, you look GREAT! Don't worry, sisters always laugh at brothers.
Love Clover xo
Oh Col. we think your spaw treatment was deserving and us girls think you are soooo debonaire
your girls are only laughing cos Sparky is tickling them not you handsome
Love Licks Crikit out
pee ess: we had so much fun chatting with ya'll at the pawty!
What a very cool looking hairdoo! we haven't heard of this spa thingie before!
Have a good weekend
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
You look extremely handsome with your new hair cut. A really cool dude.
Molly and Taffy
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