
Una bomba inteligente autentica, katie is super-fly girl Jennifer Lopez!
Curvaceous and sassy and always more than willing to pawticipate with a few moves on the dance floor, katie moves and grooves with the best of them. But that doesn't mean it's all fun and salsa for katie—discipline and structure are key ingredients that have helped to put katie on a fur-lined fast track. Family is of utmost importance for katie , and she takes care of her brothers and sisters with the same dedication that she gives her little 'uns. To see and to be seen are significant parts of katie's daily activities, and the real-life Cleopetra makes her rounds with confidence and flair, always preferring to hang with the more bold and beautiful members of the pack.

Come on, let's just face it: We are living in a material world, and zorra is a material girl. So go ahead and thank your lucky stars—zorra is the one and only Madonna!
Always desperately seeking attention, zorra is multi-talented and savvy, not afraid to get her paws dirty and experiment with new methods of getting into the groove in order to reach her peeps. She commands respect everywhere she goes, a sophisticated traveler who insists upon the best—and more often than not, she gets what she wants. Appearance is everything for your true-blue diva and while her look may change as often as the Pellegrino in her water bowl does, her commitment to exercise is unwavering. zorra's in tip-top shape, which makes her age in pet years a non-issue. Despite the hard fur and the no-nonsense approach, she's a softy when it comes to her devoted owner. It's fair to say that zorra is, yes, crazy for you.

The kind of pet that can leap tall fences in a single bound (or not, but give it a shot anyhow), Sam is the original Jackass, Johnny Knoxville!
Going through the pain so you don't have to, Sam knows that he trots a fine line between funny and stupid, but he doesn't care—he's laughing about it all the way to the pet store. His over-the-top antics make you grimace with fear and you often find it hard to believe that he actually enjoys playing the class clown. But Sam laps it up and continues to defy the odds, despite your warnings and concerns. Other males in the pack tend to be a little jealous of Sam, but the females find him simply dreamy. A die-hard good ol' boy, Sam is more of a General Lee type than a Knight Rider, but give him enough time to think things through and he's sure to find a way to wreck both vehicles at the same time.
What a 3 class act you lot are!
I'll be over come by star quality if we ever met...
Pats & pets
Well, Sam I Am was George Cloony, and the servant could see that one, but little Lindy Loo as Angelina Botox Lips Jolie???? The servant about puked!! You guys did much better!
wags from the whippets
haha We've got to try this! Thanks for the laughs, Sam!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Mom loves Madonna, I am definitely more a Knoxville fan!
Hi, friends!
My mom did it for me and I got Jennifer Lopez too!
Great post!
Kisses and hugs
I tried it yesterday & I was Gwen Steffani. I am a star! Hehehe!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey I took the quiz and I got George Clooney. Pinky is happy about that....
Hugs and tail wags
Oh boy we are on our way over,this ought to be good! Archie will be Bozo the clown and I of course will probably be Marylyn Monroe or someone like that..Love Agatha and Archie
Awesome! I did the quiz too and I am Angelina Jolie...
Love Clover xo
Fwankly,I think you awe much bettew than any of those celebweties(I'm supposed to be angelina Jolie, heheheh)
Ipwefew cutie doggies to all of them, and I bet they can't do agility like the thwee of you
smoochie kisses
We're gonna have to try this out. I'll bet I'm Beyonce...
Wow, such celebrities ya all are...I do not like who I favor at all...maybe I didn't answer the questions correctly...but it was fun doin' it anyway.
Have a great weekend....
Dewey Dewster here......
Oooo...we haven't got time this morning we'll have to pop by later and try it!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Woof! Woof!
[That's little Levi saying that Sam is his idol and future role model.]
Levi's mom
I hope you three celebs will be helping me with much needed publicity to Save our Planet?
Warmest and coolest wishes to you all. Al Gore
(Eric says oh how he wishes he was Al Capone instead tee hee!)
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