Man, oh man, we had an earthquake this morning, and we didn't know WHAT was going on. I was havin' dreams about chasing rabbits and eating. I woke up with a start!
We live in the midwest, and we hardly ever have one. But, we had a shakin' house this morning. We aren't used to those earthquakes like our doggie pals in California and other places. So, we was scared for about 5 seconds.
Here is a photo of me from the earthquake cam... Wow, I was really shakin'.

My mom was trying to tell me that we are all ok, nothing even fell. But, I think that earthquakes are very dangerous. I went and checked all the stuffies and chew toys to make sure nothing happened to them.
I am on alert for any more earthquakes, so I will be prepared.
We felt it too, here in Western Kentucky! Our whole house shook!!!! Yikes!
wags from the rockin' and rollin' whippets
Mom heard all about it on the radio this morning! We're so glad you're all okay! How scary!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Pals,
We were wondering if any of our friends got shook up this morning. But it seems as though there were quite a few.
It must have been scary.
We prefer hurricanes to earthquakes -- but prefer blue skies and calm to both of those phenomena.
Glad you're safe!!!
Jake and Just Harry
Gee guys, how scary that must have been and so far away from California where earthquakes are common. We are so glad to hear that you are all fine. And we hope there aren't any aftershocks.
Dewey Dewster and family.......
woofies and burfs, we shure glad u all iz not like nuffin like dat..iz skeery..
b safe,
Glad you are all okay.
holy moly, did you bark at the earthquake!!????
Hi, friends!
My mom read about the earthquake! Sure it was scary!
Glad you all are ok!
Have a good night
Hi guys,
Oh my... we're glad you're all ok... what a scare! We've experienced one before (we live in CA), and they are SCARY! We're also glad your chew toys are fine!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Yikes, that sounds pretty scary. Glad you're ok. Was there any damage?
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Oh my, you guys felt the tremors too! Glad to know that nothing bad happened. I bet it was just a mild one. Hopefully it won't get any stronger...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Glad to find that you're Okay!
Extra comforting pats & pets
Oh no,that's very scary, paw you. Hope all is ok today and no aftershocks.
Wiry wags, Eric
I'm so glad you'we all OK!!! Iwas wowwied...You shouldn't be having eawfquackes whewe you live...evewything is getting weiwd these days...anyway , so glad no one was huwt!
smoochie kisses
Blue suggested we stop by for a visit. I had to give my Willie a few extra pets and ear scratches after the world stopped shaking. I hope you have stopped shaking. BJ
OMG!! We are glad you are al oK.We would have hidden under the bed! Love A+A
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