Hi Everybloggie,
We have been pretty busy and haven't had too much time to blog lately. But, we're gonna try real hard 2day.
I wuz surfin' the internet and 'membered I hadn't told you guys about the agility trial that I went to wif just my mommie.
It was a lot of fun, just us. And, I did really good, too. We went last Sunday and I had three runs that day. There wuz a fotographer there and he took some piktures that my mommie is gonna get cuz she thinks that they are cute.
Here is me on the teeter totter. It is ssssssssssssssoooo skeery. I like to just stand in the middle and watch my mommie try to get me to come to her. I am always thinkin' of jumping off, but I try not to. You can see that I made it all the way down.

This is me comin' out of the tunnel. I love the tunnel and I wuz thinkin' of barkin' at my mommie on this one. I wuz havin' a good time. One thing about runnin' in 'gility, is you have to run.........
(nakid). I didn't have no collar on, or nuffin'. Makes me feel weird.

Here I am comin' off the dogwalk. We are up a little high, but I like it.

I got 3 red 2nd place ribbons and 3 qualifying scores for my runs. We were happy. We were runnin' in CPE (Canine Performance Events), and I finished up my very first title. My mom wuz real prowd of me. Katie already has titles, but this wuz my first one. Sammie is close to getting his first title too. Sammie and I are going to a 'gility trial next Sunday, and maybe he will finish his. Since Katie is takin' a break for a few weeks from 'gility, she isn't gonna go. So, she will be mad. But, don't worry. She is gonna do 'gility again starting early next year.
We wuz there wif two of our 'gility friends, Suzi and Rory. Suzi is from New Orleans, but came to Indiana after that big hurricane. She does a lot of 'gility. Her brother is Rory, and he has a lot of titles in 'gility and obedience (whateber that is. I asked Katie to splain it to me, but she said that we aren't obedient most days and not to worry). He is a greyhound. They both are rescues, just like us. Rory hadn't been feelin' too good and he had to go to the doctor and haf tests done like
Jackson. In fact, they had a lot of the same tests done. Rory really had a lot of shaved parts, but he's feeling a lot better too. He said that he hopes he gets to feelin' a lot better cuz he wants to do 'gility again, too. He was just at the 'gility trial to be with his mommie and sister.
I had a pretty full day that day, and can't wait until next Sunday to do another one!