My mom is missing! I have not seen her in TWO DAYS! This morning, I looked, and looked, and looked until Auntie yelled at me to GO OUTSIDE! I do not understand where mom could be without me. I ALWAYS go with her.
I am begging bloggerland to search for my mom. Sammie told me to go to Google, but I did not find her there.
If you find my mom, print the attached picture and remind her of me. I am sure she will come right back. Don't tell her about Sam. She may not return.
Oh my, where has she disappeared to? If I see her anywhere here in my country which I doubt, I will tell you as soon as possible! I hope there'll be rewards like treats & bully sticks, heeheehee...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
She is bound to come back. Don't panic.
You have a very busy blog. There are lots of you and you are all busy. I recommend more sleep.
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