As you know, Zorra was worried that Santa Paws was NOT going to visit. Well, I knew that I had to do something AND FAST. So, when my granma said she wanted to go to the nursing home to visit her roomie from when she had to stay a short time, I piped up that I wanted to go, too! My auntie was going to take granma because Mom was cooking up a storm.
Away we went. I knew what I had to do, so I didn't bother being worried about being away from Mom. I had a mission. I hadn't been there for a couple of months, but everyone still remembered me. I went around and saw all of my old friends from the summer and said HI. I did my tricks to the best of my ability AND, I danced with a little girl. Everyone was very glad to see ME. As payment, I got bits of cheese. We don't have any photos to show you because Mom didn't think to ask Auntie to take a few pics. Anyway, I got invited back again. So, maybe someone will remember then. I am proud to say that I made some people smile. I love going to go visit the nursing home and seeing all my good buddies.
After I came home, I thought Mom may be behind in her cooking. So, I decided to help. I helped for a bit, but then I was too tired and had to go lie down.
Later, after dinner, we were getting anxious about Santa Paws.....
Sam came to ask Mom if she thought Santa Paws would forgive him of all the slightly naughty things he had done this year.
Mom said she didn't know. He had been fairly naughty over the past few days.
As you know, Zorra was already worried about Santa Paws not coming to our house....
I, on the other hand, had a very clear conscious. I KNEW that Santa Paws was coming!!

So, we all went to bed early....
When we woke the next morning, Santa PAWS HAD STOPPED BY. We were sooooooo excited. But, our mom did NOT take any photos, silly mom. We got tons of treats and toys. Zorra and Sam fretted over nothing. They should be more like me... POSITIVE!
Hi, Katie!
Sure everyone was happy to see you there at the nursing room! My mom says that we doggies work miracles cheering up people!
Glad Santa was good with you all! Enjoy your presents!
Have a good night
I'm so glad Santa stopped by your place - you have such a beautiful smile Katie!!
Looking forward to seeing some photos of you entertaining the people at the hospital - what a great thing for you to do!
Good for you for bringing a smile to all of the people at the nursing home! You made their Christmas!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
It´s a good thing you go to the nursing home to take the smile those people,Katie!
How cool Santa stopping by and left lots of presents!
Love and licks
I;m sure everybody was very happee to see you at the nursing room! I bet Santa lefts lots of goodies under you tree... Can't wait to see what you three got!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi you all, I love your blog! I'll try to come visit regularly. :)
Oh, that was me up there ^^. I forgot to sign in, he he. Have a good day now!
Oh we are so happy you went to visit! That is a wonderfull thing.PL2 is a nurse and she says the patients(and the nurses) love it when we come!! And we knew Santy Paws would come! Love A+A
I am so glad Santa Paws visited you all!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx
oh and how nice that you made the nursing home people smile!
woofies All!!1 dat wuz sooo nice of u to visit the nursin home..i do bet dey enjoyeded seeing u..and me glad u hads a pawsome xmas...
b safe,
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