But, she did take us for a a nice walk this morning. We were walking through the field behind our house. (Mother took some exercise for a change and I guess she feels like she can eat now.)
We had a rather long walk, and it was quite fun. We kept playing mind games with Mother, as you can see. We would all pretend we were looking at something and when Mother would notice there was really nothing there, even though we were intent on something in the distance. Oh, how we love to trick her.
While she was cooking, we confiscated her phone and found a few photos on it that we had not seen before. HMMMMM....
Here is a picture of Peyton Manning in a Santa hat? What is up with that? Peyton looks sort of plastic. Also, what is up with that beard! Peyton, buddy, shave that beard before the playoffs, dude. Better be sharp, or I'll have to come and horseshoe ya.

Even though Mother was gone for quite some time on Thursday, we do NOT think she had time to go visit Jackson nor do we think this is our pal Blue's Scarlett (we are going on memory here, but we think that was her car's name). I mean, we are in the middle of Indiana here. Where did THIS car come from?

Perhaps, we will get to go on one of her adventures tomorrow!
You need to make a further investigations about those pictures! And let us know, ok?
Glad you all had a nice walkie with your mom!
Have a good night
Hi Sam! long walk? we wanna long walk but you mommy was probably making up fur leaving ya'll that long time huh? and what's with not sharing th food? good thing ya'll know to inquire when you can get ahold of the phone thingy.
Thank for extending the pawty invite. We plan to come it sounds too fun!
Love Licks & waggin Tx tails
What were you guys looking at? I'm surprised that your mom managed to handle you three whilst holding a video cam in her hand. She's goood! Have you tried lunging at the end of your leashes? Then maybe she will fall... Hehehe! Ok, I sound sooo mean.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh yes, you guys had better keep a close eye on that mother of yours. We thinks she might be planning a pawty for you? Hope so
happy new year and many barky returns
Gus n Teka
Hey pals, mmmmm, what do you think she's planning? It's very intriguing! J x
That's certainly my ex-'Scarlet' VW!
Am curious, very curious...
Will await me news with interest.
In the meantime...
A very Happy New Year to you all!
Love, pats & pets
Hi again...
Now, I've worked out it's Kaie's Barkday today - there's more a paw, than I thought...
Have a pawsome day Kaie!
Pats & pets just for you.
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