I am still on a whirlwind tour trying to find the Stain Mecca. My trip took me to Boston to visit Archie and Agatha. They know about stains. We started digging for the Stain Mecca.....
Then, all of the sudden, Agatha bopped both Archie and me on the head and said... the STAIN MECCA is NOT in Boston! You need to go see Joe Stains, silly.

And, here is my response....

So, it is set. I must go see Joe Stains. But, while I am in the Northeast, I should visit some of my friends here. Agatha, Archie and I all hopped into the VW and went to go see Maggie and Mitch.

We had a terrier tea party and it was so much fun. I was so glad to put the bark to the faces, as they say. We played and sniffed until wee morning hours. But, unfortunately, we had to call it an evening and I took Agatha and Archie back to Boston. I needed to plan my trip. I decided that I should just fly to Joe Stains house at this point. So, off to NYC, I headed. I could just get a round trip ticket and come back for the VW later.
On the way to NYC, I thought that I should just stop in and visit Asta. I stopped at the Statue of Liberty, which was quite exciting for me.

I met some nice people on the subway.....

I was walking down Asta's street, and there she was waiting on me...
It was so nice to meet Asta and she showed me around her neighborhood. We had a lot of fun window shopping, reading pee mail, sniffing. But, my plan to the Stain Mecca was leaving soon and I had to hurry to JFK.
I cannot believe what good friends I have made and how nice they all have been on my journey. Now, off to the plane....
Thanks so much for passing an award on to me! I feel very honored. I will post about it today! :)
Sounds like you are having a great trip, Sam!
Love Clover xo
Oh you are just visiting everyone. Let us know if Joe knows of the stain mecca
Hello buddies! I am just now catching up on all of Sam's travels. Wow!! I'm glad you all had a nice Christmas with a visit from Santa Paws.
I was staying at a camp in Hope, Indiana. Is that near you guys?
Happy new year!
Your friend, Lenny
This saga runs & runs... LOL!
Can barely wait for the discovery of Stain Mecca.
Go Sam Go!
Pats & pets
Your visit was such fun, Sam, but too short! We hope next time you can stay longer! Have fun at Joey and Tanner's!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
It was the bestest suwpwise to have you come and visit me..it was a blast only way too showt....I can't believe how bwave you wewe going all ovew town making fwiends evewywhewe..you cheewed up evewyone even in wush houw on the subway..I hope aftew all youw quest is complete that you come back to visit me again and maybe stay a little longew..good luck on the west of youw twavels
smoochie kisses
How lucky that you got to meet all those doggies!!
Can't wait to see where you go next!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
I am sure Joe knows about the Stain Mecca!
Sure is great meet all those friends during your adventure!
Take care
Sam, don't cha think your sistas are gonna be sooooo jealous of you that you're visiting almost all your DWB friends who live in the same country as you?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Be sure to stop and see me when you come to Azrizona. Teka makes good stains too.
How good that you found all those friends during the trip, Sam!
Love and licks
Wow we are STILL exhausted!! Wasn't that a blast!! And aren't Maggie and Mitch the best!!!! PL2 is still cleaning up after us!!!!!Please come again!!! Good luck on the trip!! Love A+A
Pawesome!! I cannot WAIT to see you and teach you the ways of the stains!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Sam hope you parked the VW in a safe place and locked it good till you fly back to it. Enjoy all your friends!
Love Licks & waggin TX tails
What an adventure you're having! I wish I could be there with you! J x
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