I thought I was going to have to call upon Jackson for his assistance, or even Joe Stains. But, he's busy running for VP.

I decided I had to solve this mystery on my own. Katherine had no desire to help. so, I donned my stealth suit, yet again...

I heard hammering, sawing, welding, etc. But, drat, she had soaped up all the window so I could not see in!!
Then, everything got deathly quiet. As I was peeking around the corner of the building, I heard an EXCUSE ME!!!!! And, I was thrown to the ground. Oh drat, caught!!!! Zorra was not happy with my spying. Then, she said the peculiar thing.. Oh, come on in the garage. And, what did I see but this::

She had transformed my VW into a multi-purpose vehicle!!!!!! I cannot wait to try it out.
How cool of zorra to do that to the vw. Where are you going to go first?
I am so curious about the new vw. Tell us how many things can do now!
Kisses and hugs
how talented! great work Zorra
howdy! It was nice meeting you guys in the Chat.
We think that bug would be perfect for some serious bunny chasing! yes, Zorra???
wags from the whippets
woah think of the places you can go in that thing. Good job detecting it all on your own. just remember I can only absolve you of stains, not in flight mishaps!!
I could hawdly wecognise you in youw stelth outfit..I'm suwpwised Zowwa knew who you wewe...but obviously she is vewy talented..wow! that's some vehicle..can it go on watew and aiw and evewything???how cool is that
gweat wowk Zowwa!
smoochie kisses
Wow, NICE! hey, now come to our place!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow, that is cool! That Zorra is qite talented!
Zorra had a great idea! She´s very talented!
Hey...come pick me up & we'll go joyriding. Yahhhhhooooooo!
We love this post - it made us laugh out load. We look forward to stopping by again!
oh the vw is amazing....can you make one for us please Zorra!
woofies katie, Zorra and Sam...dang Zorra, u sooo smart to b ables to do all dat...dats da pawfect fingy fur a pawty....
b safe,
Hey Sam, hehehe, between you in your stealth suit, Joe with his detective coat and me, we'd make quite a crime-busting team! Where are you going to go in the VW? Jx
Wow!! That is very impressive!! i love it! Let us know how it works out.
Cool disguise, too!
Koobuss Kisses,
Zorra is it like like uh like the Harry's VW? oh how cool, it can fly right? Can't wait to see what's next! woohoo
Love Licks & waggin TX tails
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