I left under the cover of darkness last evening. I packed up my little VW and hit the road. I heard about something called a CAW-cus in Iowa. I decided that would be a good place to see if I could get some kind of a pardon regarding the one or twenty stains and, basically go over my mother's head since she has no compassion for my plight. I heard that there were a lot of rallies there, and maybe someone would steer me in the right direction.

Since we live in Indiana, it isn't that far to Iowa. In fact, Auntie travels there sometimes to see her friends, April, Gabe, and Sierra. They rescue cats, and that is where we got Baby Dakota. That map is sort of small, but you can get the idea.

Ahh, I finally started looking for the CAW-cus. I came upon a couple.

your mama probably won't think you went south, so head on down to see us! The Brat pack is here in TX plus Gus & Louie and so many more DWB friends that will hide you out then head on more south to Lorenza! Mexico can be fun!
Good Luck buddy we'll keep watch
Love licks & waggin Tx tails wishing you well
We can't get past the picture of you in the orange VW! We can see your furry head in the drivers seat and we burst out laughing again and again! What a cute picture!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
woofies All!!! heehee me didnt even c dat of u in da cawr till M n M said it...hmmm do u fink Mr Joe Stains can help u out Sam....
b safe;
pp's me hopies u mama furgets soon so u cans go back home...
Thank goodness for Butchy and Snickers. Stay safe and keep us informed. Oh mom says crows are stupid so it doesn't surprise us that you couldn't understand them.
oh buddy I hope you are headed my way!!! Mom can't stop giggling at you in the car. I don't know what is so funny, I wish I could drive her truck :(
That picture of you in the VW is great!
Yes, you can come here with me until your mom forgets about the stains.
Kisses and hugs
What an adventure you're having!! Best of luck finding the Stain Mecca - I know you'll get there - follow your nose!!
That picture, Sam in the car is so cool! Great adventure! Good luck!
Love and licks
You wanna disappear for real? Than come over to our place! You'll have the bestest time here. We can go for agility classes every Sunday & you can also teach me how to weave properly without missing any poles, eat delicious home cooked food everyday & many more!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
From what we have been told and experienced ourselves, it is the role of the female of our species to set things right all the time. We have heard words like "bossie," and "dominating." And that other "B" word -- you know what we mean.
But for us, we think it is all in the natural order of things. Just ask our Dogdad!!!
Lots of love and if you see any more of those CAW cuses -- check to see if they have heard of our missing egret cam (E.C. Bird)
Hi guys,
We saw the post about Katie's barkday on Lacy Lulu's blog and decided we would visit your blog. It's a great blog!!
And that picture of you in the VW is so pawsome!!
Could we add you to our pup pals?
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
PS. We are in the mission to help find Beau too!!
Okee dokey!
We linked to you under the name
"COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq"
Is that okay? Or should we put "Memoirs of a Toller (NSDTR), an All American Dog, and a Wire Fox Terrier"?
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
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