Asta up over tagged us for this fun reveal. We had to think about it for a while, but we finally came up with some good answers.....
You have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal.
What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn't get caught, get in trouble, or suffer any consequences.
1. Katie - I would go everywhere with Mom, including all stores, houses, just to see what she does when she's not with me (especially restaurants so I could get all that good food!!)
2. Zorra - I would get on Mommi's desk while she is working so I could be extra close to her so she could pet me whenever she wants.
3. Sam - Oh, I would take over the world. Things would run more more effectively if I were in charge!!!!
That was a lot of fun to do. Now, we would like to tag.... Mitch and Maggie, Lorenza and our new pals over at It's a Berner-ful Life!
Now, I'd like to ask all my friendses to vote for my photo by clicking here. My mommi loves this photo cuz I look like a cover dog. BOL. We were in TN at the Smokey Mountains.

Sam is just about in Arizona to help Joe and Gussie with the pawty. We are going to pack for Aire Ruby. We will see many of you soon! And, others.. you never know when we may stop by anyway!
Thanks for tagging us, Sam! We're going to try like heck to get to this before mom flies off to Florida!
We voted! Good luck!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We went and voted, and we will be watching for your bruzzer. We will let you know when he arrives.
I went to that site and voted!
Thanks for tagging me! Now I have something to think about!
Kisses and hugs
We can't wait to see you guys!!
We voted Zorra's photo a good 10! That photo of her is just gorgeous! She does look like a CoverDog...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
That is a great photo!
Quite a 'super model' pose.
Have been & voted.
Pats & pets
Great answers to the tag guys!! And your mum is right Sam does look like a cover dog in that photo - we are off to vote - good luck!!
We're going to go vote! That is Beeeyoooteefull!
wags from the whippets
See you all soon!
Your friend, Lenny
Hey there!!!
We voted fur Zorra!! It's a great picture, we love it!
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
I have voted too!
Looking forward to seeing you at Joe's Pawty!
love and licks, from Marvin xxxx
oh and we gave the photo a score of 10!
Hey Zorra, I just voted for your photo, it's pawsome! J x
I votedI voted!!! can I vote again???
I hope you win, you look bootiful!
It was gweat seeing you at the pawty at Gussie's!
smoochie kisses
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