HI Everybloggie,
I woke up today and realized that today was my BARKDAY! I am having a GREAT DAY! I got to play fighty with my mom and Zorra. I took all the toys I could away from Sam, and I have been bossing Honeycomb around all day. I am just having a blast.
My mom got me a couple of squeekie toys, which we will probalby destroy, but she doesn't care. I got to go jump on my Grandma and Grandpa and I got to see my Auntie.
BUT, do you doggies know the best thing that happened??~~~ As you can see, my mom made ME a CAKE! It was doggie - eee-licious!

This is just the best..mmmmmargahrhhmmm....
Wish you guys were all here to taste this. IT is sooo yummy...

OOPS. Mom told me not to talk with cake in my mouth because it gets everywhere! But, I love it. It is sooo good.

Here is everyone at the pawty. That is our cuzins Honeycomb and Calvin. Our Auntie Ruthie. Then, you know Sammie, Me and Zorra. We all were lovin' that cake!
My barkday has just been pawsome. Mom also said I am going to start going back to agilty. WOO HOO. It is starting out to be a pawty good year already!!!
I hope everyone had a great holiday.
PEE ESSSS. My mom posted the recipe on her bloggie. It is really easy to make.
PEE ESSS ESSSS. WE did not know it was also Jake's birthday so Mom made him a cake, too.

Happy BARKDAY! The cake and the party looked totally pawesome!
Wow!!! That's so sweet of your Mom!!! I hate to say this, but in all my six years, this is the very first cake I've had!!! How sad is that!!!
I get lots of love and cuddles and toys -- but cake? Thank you, thank you. Lots of wirey kisses to you and your Mom. May I come back next year????
Your pal,
Hi, Katie!
Happy Birthday!
Glad to see that you had a great day celebrating with your family! Your cake looks delicious!
Kisses and hugs
Oh my, the cake looks reeeeaaallllyy GOOD! Those look like small pieces of carrots around it. YUMMY! Happee Barkday to you mah dear friend Katie! How old are you now if you don't mind telling?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Your cake is just beautiful and it looks so yummy, Katie! Do your squeaky toys still squeak?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
very nice cake, my dog it's licking my monitor when I open the pictures. :). Really nice party. I want one for myself ;).
Zoweee that cake looks good. Tell your mom to post that recipe before frebutary..that is when I am 5!
What a good day you had!
Loved the cake - wouldn't have minded a slice...
As a belated 'Barkday' pressie, well, because you're all my friends, you three are on my 10th day of Xmas post tomorrow. I had no intention of leaving you out!
How could I!
Pats & pets
Happy Bark day katie & oooh your cake looks as purdy as you! bet it was yummmy!
You rule girlfriend it's your day!
Love Licks & waggin TX tails
Hi Katie!
Happy Barkday! Your cake looks yummy!
Lots of licks
We are SOOOOO behind in our reading!! Happy belated Barkday!! Love and kisses A+A
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