Hello Bloggerland,
A few days ago, I published a small article on how my mother was totally mistaken regarding the entire "mud incident." As a result, she felt compelled to bathe me. She had called up my girlfriend at THE SPA (my favorite place in the world), but was unable to secure an appointment for me for several weeks.
Needless to say, she scrubbed me until I was sure I was bald!!! Then, once my locks had dried, I had acquired some sort of afro on my head!! I am begging her to please, please, don't try this at home again. She does not have the training to properly coif my 'do. I am having an extremely bad hair day. In fact, I look poooooofy all over. I look like a sheep. I just hope don't come across any of the herding breeds before my day at the SPA.
I pleaded with Katherine to help me with my fur, to assist in returning it to its proper style. She said she was too tired. Yet, she was running quite quickly later in our agility practice?? (She is just irate at me because I called her an improper name earlier).
I asked sweet, little Zorra to help out her favorite brother... but she said she was too comfy... And, that I should just buck up and live with it. (I doubt those were her words, but Katherine's... I'll get her).
I even asked one of my idiotic kitty siblings (Dakota) for assistance. She had just eaten and couldn't move.... She was saving her strength for something really worth while. I say what is more worthwhile in life, but my fur NOT being in an afro. It is just not my look.
So, I'm stuck in afro land for 2 weeks until I can get to the groomer! Unless.... I go for another toure de mud! Or, I am hitching a ride into town for some mousse. Is anyone going my way?
You're bean hoytee toytee.
Cuzin Cal
I think you look okay Sam. You don't look that bad but your mom you not have done it especially without any experience in doing it. I get very worried too when my mommy cuts any of my hair. Yes, she does cute my hair sometimes...I don't know why.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I think you lok fine to me..actually I kind of love the lambie look, but if absolutely can't stand it..I find a little spit and gwime wowks as well as mousse
My Mommi keeps thweatening to comb me..ouch! But luckily she's still too sick, so I get away with being tangled
smoochie kisses
Hey Sam, I always run and hide when the comb comes out. J x
I think all Moms do this once in a while, Sam. They just can't help themselves!
William Tell
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