Hi everybody. I have not blogged for a while, as I tend to do the blog maintenance and links and such. And, I haven't had a lot to blog about. But, let me tell you, I am cold, cold, cold today.
I am nice and toasty in the house, and I just want to stay in my bed all nice and warm.

I'm not coming out until Spring!!
I'm all for snoozing in on a cold day, too. Brrr!
William Tell
Hi Zorra, are you sure you going to stay in the bed till Spring??? Dont you miss all the FOOD?? sweety apple treat, turkey, potato...and all the yummylicious xmas FOOD???
Oh man, I looove cold weather! I noticed that short haired dogs can't take the cold like my sista Faith. With the air-conditioner on for a few min, she will turn into a popsicle. Hahaha! Hope you're all warmed up now Zorra. Btw, check out my new post. I think it will give you the shivers.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I'm not too fond of the cold either. Luckily J1 is a wimp and cranks up the heating for us in winter! J x
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