I called for her again. Ahhhhh eye contact.
I rushed in. I was so happy to see her. Hello mother!! Hello!! I am just so happy to see you. I must give you smooches..... However, my mother was speaking sternly to me for some unknown reason. Then, I looked over to where my mother was pointing.....
I looked around to see who was so irresponsible as to jump up on the furniture at all, let alone with muddy paws.
I looked and looked, trying to find the miscreant. Hmmmm, no one over there looking guilty..... Why is my mother looking at the floor???
UH oh.............. (heavy music rising to it's peak). I am quickly thinking of how to blame this on Katherine, but she's no where in sight... drat. Ahhhh.. the old hanging head in shame.... that will do it.... And.... the ever popular without a doubt, no getting in trouble......
(drawing from my magnificient acting skills, thinking of what it is like to be out of treats, or left alone with Katherine in charge... eyes welling with remorse.... there, I have the look now) I slowly raise my head and say
You are in sooo much trowble, Sammie.
Uh-oh...You've been playing in the mud haven't ya? But I'm sure your mommy has forgiven you already. How can anyone not especially when you see that sorry face?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
hey buddies,
welcome to www.dogswithblogs.com.au - it is great to meet you, and I am sure you will make lots of new friends here :-)
Wow, you've got the puppy dog eyes down pat! Good job!
William Tell
We can't possibly imagine why she would think it was you!!! Love A+A
I think you need to practise your "I didn't do it look". Hehehehe! J x
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