While Katherine was sleeping, I managed to hack into her account and make my own login! No more signing in under her name. No need for HER to receive credit for my work. After all, I know the world is eagerly awaiting my thoughts and muses on life. I haven't had this kind of freedom since I posted last on Dogster. I am a gifted wordsmith, as I am sure you can already determine.
I believe I would like to start out by reminiscing about my life and my family. First, my sisters and I all do agility. I would like to post photos so you can see me (mostly) in action. As you can see, I am quite light on my feet, and I move like the wind. I am ever so graceful, and I must say, everyone stops to watch ME. I am well on my way to super stardom and will spread the joys of the wires wherever I go. After all, I AM quite dashing and debonair.

My sisters, my kitty siblings and I live in a rural area where we are allowed to bark and run (in a large, enclosed fence of course) as much as we want. Which, I must say is quite agreeable with me. Before I came to live with my family, I resided in a city where I was most likely destined for trouble. You see, I love to dig and dig, as most wires do. Here out in the country I am free to dig at will, and oh, oh, oh do I dig. I shall post a few photos for your review. There are so many things to do during the day, that at night I immediately fall asleep at bedtime and dream of large bones and rubber balls to play with all night long.

so vewy nice to meet you!!
I bet I'd be a good diggew too given the chance,heheh,but alas I live in an apt. on the seventh floow in NYC, so I have to get my enewgy out in diffewent ways..I westled with my fwiends at the dog wun fow an houw and a half today,we also played bitey face and wun like the wind
smoochie kisses
Hello Sam and the Gals,
Nice to meet you. Jackson told me about your new blog! You are so lucky to live in rural area and dig and bark. I live in the city and I love to bark. Last year I got my family into trouble. We have a mean neighbor who called the cops on me!! Can I come and live with you? What state are you in? We are in Philly. I could hitch! Please visit my blog too.
Hi you guys!! All our pals beat us to the punch! We are 2 WFT"S ,brother and sister, who live in Boston. We LOVE LOVE LOVE to dig also!!!! And we are getting into Earthdog trials!! Woo Hoo!! Chasing the rat in the tunnel is almost as fun as digging for it!! Love Come viist any time!! Love A+A
Hi, Sam! It's great to see another WFT who likes to dig like I do. I've made some pretty impressive holes in the yard myself. It keeps My Boy busy filling them back in. I like to help when I can.
I'll add your link to my blog, too, so I can visit you again!
William Tell
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