And, last week at my agility lesson, my teacher Janet said I didn't know how to jump properly. That really bummed me out. I have been running and jumping all my life, but I guess to be really good at agility, it is a little different. But, the good thing is I get to spend more time with MOM!! Woo hoo. She will be watching me jump and helping me out with the drills and such. So, that means more play time with MOM!
So, I got excited about it, and decided that I wanted to dress up for Halloween. I am looking for my princess costume, but this will have to do for now.

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Don't worry about the dripping blood. It is fake (It isn't Sammie's..... yet). Hee hee.
Little Miss AKC,
Your thinkin your bummed now. Jus wate til Thursdy when your maw leeves for her trip.
Calvin, if you are going to be anonymous, don't sign your name! What a silly cousin.
Hehehe, scawie...Look at that blood dripping. Oooh!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Pleez don't be'we a fabulous jumpew and I love youw pictoowe,glad it's not weal blood..hope you find youw pwincess costoome
smoochie kisses
I think as long as you can get on the furniture and in the car then your jumping is just fine.
What do humans know about jumping? I think WE jump correctly and THEY are the ones jumping in a silly fashion! J s
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